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Make Do and Mend. The Well Read 007

Make Do and Mend. The Well Read 007

We’re not saying you have to live off-grid, but as its Second Hand September we've thought of some ways to make a difference.

• When it comes to your home, there are certain things worth buying new (mattresses, for instance), but for nearly everything else, there’s Etsy, eBay, second-hand and vintage shops, and markets. Think of second-hand as the opportunity to buy something of better quality than a high street counterpart.

• Sites like Vinterior, The Old Cinema, and Retrouvious have done the hard work for you, but don’t neglect eBay and Etsy. Freecyle (or your local equivalent) and Facebook Marketplace can yield unexpected treasure.

• People think of auctions as haunts for the very wealthy, but you can pick up some items for a song. Hunt down your local auction house and familiarise yourself with its listings and dates – you can even bid online. These modern times!

• Adapt your search terms to the site: a curated site or auctioneer will label items properly e.g. ‘Edwardian oak sideboard’ whereas on eBay you could find similar under ‘wooden sideboard’

• When shopping online, check the measurements. Although you wouldn’t be the first person to accidentally buy dolls’ house furniture. Not such an amazing bargain now, eh?

•    Shopping the markets in person? Do your homework and measure the space you need to fill before you leave. Get there early. Take a tape measure and cash. (The same rules apply for car boot sales.)

    •    Never forget the joy of paint. An easy, pocket-friendly facelift for even the tiredest piece of furniture.  

    •    If you’re always guiltily throwing away – or, better yet, composting - ends of forgotten vegetables and wilted herbs, then we recommend Anna Jones’s One Pot, Pan, Planet or Eat Green by Melissa Hemsley: delicious, straightforward (praise be! We cannot be Ottolenghi every evening) dishes which reduce waste without sacrificing taste. Not a hint of puritanical preaching, either.

    •    Obviously, buying less but buying better benefits the environment, as well as your wardrobe. So too does shopping second hand. If eBay feels so big as to be unwieldy, apps like Depop and Vinted make both buying and selling addictively straightforward.

    •    There is scientific, evidential proof that learning new skills is good for your brain – so come along to one of our workshops (click here) and benefit both your mind and your wardrobe!

stitching workshops

The WW Workshops
As part of Winchester Green Week, we’re hosting a series of events and workshops in our studio (1st Floor Studio, 4b Middle Brook Street, Winchester. SO23 8AQ)

Sashiko Stitching Workshop – Wednesday 27 th September, 12-2pm
Learn the Japanese stitching art of sashiko – which we use on our denim. It’s beautiful and makes every piece completely unique. Book here.

Rachel’s Revamps: Lampshade Workshop – Thursday 28 th September, 10am-12 noon
Revamp queen, Rachel Howard works wonders with upholstery, furniture and lighting. Join her for a lesson in lampshade making. For more information email:

The Well Worn x Open House Deli: Sustainable Style - Thursday 28 th September, 6.30-8pm
Join us for an evening of wine and chat about living stylishly and sustainably. Learn how to revamp your home and your wardrobe – without spending a fortune or compromising your conscience. Consider the power of the choices we make as consumers. Embrace slow style – buying less, but better. Grill the expert panel on their styling secrets. Good for your budget and the environment. Book here.
Emma Shaw – Founder and designer, The Well Worn
Rachel Howard – Design Consultant who breathes new life into old furniture, upholstery and lighting expert, sustainable home guru.
Jenny Garcia – Stylist and content curator, slow fashion exponent who runs The Curatory preloved and vintage store, former Head of Buying at Topshop
Chaired by Natasha Poliszczuk, freelance journalist, former Deputy Editor of Glamour magazine

Mend & Repair Denim Workshop – Friday 29 th September, 6-8pm
Don’t discard those jeans! Learn how to make them even better – you’ll love them all the more if you’ve shown them a little mending love! Book here.

Kings Walk Festival Open Studio – Saturday 30 th September, 1-5pm

Come and celebrate an eclectic mix of thriving independent shops, cafés and businesses at the first Kings Walk Festival. Enjoy live music, delicious food and free tasters, make & takes and special discounts. Drop in for mending advice or stitch a make & take Sashiko patch.


patched and stitched denim

Well worn workshop


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